April 2024
Monday, 18:00
Village Hall

Annual Meeting 1. Introduction and welcome by the Chairman of the Parish Council 2. To acknowledge apologies for absence 3. To hear a brief report from the Chairman of the Parish Council 4. To receive a brief report from local organisations : a. Acorns Primary School b. The Village Hall Committee c. Reed Business School d. Tree Report by Mike Hartnell e. Little Compton Cemetery 5. To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of 2023 6. Questions and Comments from Parishioners/Electorate In order to assist the efficient administration of the meeting please email any questions or comments to sellio350@gmail.com prior to the meeting. 7. Questions on matters raised : if you wish to speak at the meeting on matters raised, please raise your hand. 8. Chairman’s Closure of the meeting Councillor Matt Povey Chairman, 25 April 2024



